Sunday, March 31, 2013

Come Follow Me...Love!

I love both of these quotes and artwork/photography. Whenever I need a break from the craziness and business of life my Savior is always there. He is there in the not busy parts too! He loves me (and you) on our good days and bad days. He is always welcoming us and loves us no matter what. It is so easy to love someone knowing they already love you. All He wants to do is help us. How grateful I am to know my Savior even Jesus Christ.

Fathers are amazing!!! Let's face it, they work so hard for us and provide a strength that I could seriously never provide. I know that as children look up to their parents one thing they will always notice is how they treat each other  They learn from watching and when you truly love someone it shows. It 's not only visible to the eye, but it provides a whole different outlook on situations in life. When you truly love someone you care for their well being. You are softer, not so easily angered at any of their wrong doings, and are always willing to help out. I hope that we can all be good examples to everyone since we are all children of God. We have the perfect Heavenly Parents that have shown us the right way to live. May we choose to be a little kinder, nicer, wiser, happier and more loving to eachother everyday. 

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