Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cinnamon Rolls and Rolls

I love when I can accomplish something in half the amount of time. This is one of those things. 2 recipes and one dough. I LOVE IT! I make the dough, let it rise, and then divide it into half to make rolls and cinnamon rolls. This is a family favorite, super easy, and always yummy!

Dissolve 2 Cups warm water and 2 1/2 Tbs. of yeast
Separately Mix 2 cups warm water, 1 cup sugar, 4 Tbs. of vegetable oil, 1 1/2 Tbs. salt and 2 eggs.
Add both mixtures together once yeast activates and blend.
Slowly add 9-11 cups of flour. 
You want a soft dough that comes off the edges and be able to play with it in your hands with out it being sticky. Keep adding flour until it has that consistency.
Get a large bowl and spray it with cooking oil (Pam). Place the dough inside, cover and let rise for 3 hours.

After separting the dough into 2 even pieces (one for rolls and the other for cinnamon rolls). Separate the roll half into 2 more pieces and roll them out to circles. From here spread melted butter over the top of each circle and cut evenly into 12 slices. Criss cross first, then cut the center of each corner. Roll from the outside in and place on baking sheet for 350 degrees about 15 minutes. We sometimes like our rolls a little softer so I stay by the oven for the last few minutes to make sure they are going to come out perfect. :)

Cinnamon Rolls
With the other half of the dough you will roll it out to one long rectangle. Make sure to spray oil or flour underneath to guarantee no sticking. Once again spread melted butter (about 1/4 up) on top. Follow up with brown sugar and cinnamon scattered across. We love the inside of the cinnamon roll so I scatter generously. :) You will then begin to roll your long rectangle up. Start with the long end closest to you and slowly roll the entire rectangle. I like to bring the opposite end up and over when I reach that part to try and keep in all of the cinnamon brown sugar goodness. Now go find some dental floss. Seriously this helps so much if you have it! Hold each end of the dental floss and start at one end of your roll. Place the floss under about 1/2 an inch and then pull the floss through. It is amazing and cuts perfect cinnamon rolls. Once finished bake for 350 Degrees for 10-12 minutes. 

1 lb. Powdered Sugar
1 8 ounce cream cheese
A few drops of almond extract.

I sometimes have left over frosting and will freeze it for a future batch. It tastes awesome still! If you don't have cream cheese or almond extract here is your back up frosting for those last minute cinnamon rolls.

2 cups powdered sugar
1 Tbs. vanilla
1/2 cup milk or whipping cream
2 Tbs. butter

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